Saturday, December 13, 2014

What do we want . . . ?

It's actually good to see people energized about these events in Ferguson and elsewhere.  But, what tangible deliverables are they seeking?  Are they asking for people to not be racist!  Get real.

There will always be some racism.   Of course, we should teach ourselves and our children to be less racist.

But, avoiding this kind of conflict with police is going to take something more tangible.  How about reform of police rules of engagement?

What about asking for more diversity in recruiting police?  We used to correct mono-color schools with busing.  Maybe we should bus cops to make precincts more diverse.

In any case, people, ask for something tangible.

1 comment:

  1. I know we are extra sensitive to racism and anti-semitism given our ethnic ancestry, religion and experiences with these issues both overseas and at-home. It can seem hopeless at times, that we can ever fully overcome these issues as a society. I do hope, however, that with education; exposure; acceptance and celebration of differences; and compassion that we, as a society, can work day-to-day, year-to-year, generation-to-generation to continue to reduce racism, anti-semitism, and all forms of discrimination.

    Still, I see your point about the protests with no tangible action plan; it is somewhat like the angry young man (from the Billy Joel song of the same name). I might even go so far as to say it is similar to the countries involved in the Arab Spring, to Iraq or to numerous other countries through history once ruled by a despot regime. The regime was changed, but without having a viable option to fill the vacuum, things really did not get better for anyone, except maybe for the new ruling class. Al
